Aside from making lists, organizing and Cabela. Packing my lunch and meal prepping may be my favorite thing, of all time.
Enter Laptop Lunches, and the lunch time game has been changed forever!
I learned about this cute company through one of my favorite blogs. Taralynn is one of my all time favorite bloggers and is such an inspiration! I checked out the company through her site and instantly became obsessed with everything about them! Not only is their focus portion control, along with a healthy diet, but they are doing it in a creative + fun way!
This was my first time using my Bento Box. Obviously you can see why I am so obsessed. I've been trying to adhere to one of my May Goals by sticking to Paleo at least 6 days out of the week. This was an awesome Paleo lunch I had on Wednesday.
For me, my biggest problem is portion control. I love food so much that whenever something tastes delicious I have to get as much of it as possible. This right here, besides the happy colors, may be my favorite part of the Box. It forces helps you to use portion control in an easy, cute way.
It is hard to view by the picture but the container for the salad dressing is very small. You're probably thinking that is not enough salad dressing, I would definitely need another container just for that. According to MyPlate, a portion is around the size of that small green container - about 1-2TBSP. But, as a society we tend to gravitate toward large portions in every aspect of our lives. At any given restaurant they pack on the extra calories (and fat) buy load you up with more than 4 times the normal portion amount for every part of the meal. I love how this company is changing that. It is so refreshing!
When I spoke to Summer, the "Bento Expert", over at Laptop Lunches I asked her about a picture I saw on their website.
As a Nutritional Science minor, MyPlate, aka "MyPyramid", is drilled into our brains. So when I saw this picture scrolling on their homepage it immediately caught my eye. I asked Summer a few questions about the product so I could clarify for you guys! I asked her if the colors of the boxes were intended to mirror the colors on MyPlate. She responded saying:
"In regards to the MyPlate food model - our lunchboxes mirror it perfectly but weren't originally intended to do so, so the individual boxes are not labeled with the suggested MyPlate items but it's pretty easy to get into the routine of packing accordingly and we do offer resources on our website to get started with doing just that: myplate.php"
I love, love, LOVE this.
I also noticed when I went to pack my lunch that on the top of lids of each container. (Oh, that's another thing - each container inside of the larger container, has a lid!) On top of those lids they have etched drawings of suggested food to put in! Such a creative, smart idea!
The overall helpfulness of this company truly amazes me! They give you everything you need to eat right + stay fit you just have to get up and get to it!
As y'all probably know. I am obsessed with Turducken. It's a problem. I'm seeing therapy for it, no worries. Upside, it is some of the leanest meats out there (turkey, duck and chicken) so it can't be that bad! Continuing with my May Goal of trying to remain Paleo for 6 days out of the week, today I had Turducken, Spicy Green Beans (2 cans Green Beans- drained, 2TBSP Worcestershire Sauce, 1 TSP Olive Oil, Garlic Powder and Crushed Red Pepper to taste) and Grapes!
Mhmm...Paleo and delicious!
Laptop Lunches has TONS of great pictures for ideas of healthy and creative lunches. Check out all the pics here!
So, in review. Laptop Lunches are:
Have a fit + fantastic day people!
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*Disclaimer: The Laptop Lunches - Bento Box was sent to me at a discounted price as a promotional item. The AboutTime products were sent to me as a promotional item, as well, to blog and review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. And yes, I actually do love the products!
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